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WCCA 2008 春节联欢晚会 (Feb. 09, 2008)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear WCCA Members and Friends,


迎新春,庆佳节, 滑铁卢地区华人联谊会春节联欢晚会将于2008年2月9日举行.
晚会包括各色精美茶点,精彩演出和舞会, 节目纷呈,不容错过!

The 2008 Chinese New Year Party will be held at the Auditorium and
Cafeteria of Sir John A MacDonald School of Waterloo on Saturday,
Feb. 9th, 2008 from 7:00pm to 11:30pm.

650 Laurelwood Dr,Waterloo, Ontario N2V 2V1,
near Laurelwood Dr. and Erbsville.

晚会时间(Date and time):
2008年2月9日周六晚7:00到11:30 (7-11:30 pm, Feb. 9th, 2008).

6:30 pm: Admission starts, Auditorium
7:00-9:00: Entertainment performance, Auditorium
9:00-10:00: Refreshment service and lucky draw, Cafeteria
10:00-11:30: Dance party, Cafeteria,

晚会票价(Ticket price):
$15 for general admission
$10 for WCCA members and seniors
$5 for kids from 5 to 15 years old inclusive
Free for kids under 5 (no seat)
门口不售票 - No ticket sale at door

去年春节联欢晚会的门票一售而空!由于防火规定, 我们不能卖更多的票, 对于
没有买到票的朋友我们在此说一声道歉。今年因为场地限制, 晚会门票将更为有
限, 请大家尽早购票 (First Come First Serve). 晚会门票将预先安排座次,
实行对号入座. 具体购票方法, 将另行通知. 欲购票的朋友请注意后续通知.


Waterloo Region Chinese Community Association (WCCA)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net